Category: Tinnitus

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  • Category: Tinnitus
How Vitamin D Can Help Prevent Prostate Cancer

How Vitamin D Can Help Prevent Prostate Cancer

Doctors all around the country who perform naturopathic care work diligently to educate their male patients about prostate cancer. This should be taken just as seriously as breast cancer is taken by the female population. Like breast cancer, your chances of survival are improved when you obtain regular screenings. Unfortunately, many men don’t do this,

When I Eat Salt, My Ear Swells!

When I Eat Salt, My Ear Swells!

Have you started to notice a connection with salt and your ears itching when you consume it? You really aren’t going crazy! This happens more often than you may think. There are known causes but it can be a scary thing if you don’t know that it does happen to other people. When you eat

The Effect of Loud Music on the Ears

The Effect of Loud Music on the Ears

Music is wonderful when listened to in the right manner. Many, however, turn the volume up to an extraordinary level because they want to hear it above the background noise, or because the thumping of the rhythm makes them feel good. Whatever the cause of it loud music is extremely damaging to the ears. Usually

How to Treat Buzzing Ears With Alternative Remedies

How to Treat Buzzing Ears With Alternative Remedies

If you are suffering from buzzing ears or tinnitus the buzz sound can be really annoying and bothersome. This problem is such that it can interfere with the interactions you have with family and friends. It can easily cause disruption to your professional career. If not treated properly, this problem can make you commit mistakes