


Fatty Liver

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Gall Stone

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Gallstones in Pregnancy: Managing the Risks and Ensuring the Well-being of Mother and Baby


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Gallstones are not uncommon during pregnancy, affecting approximately 6-12% of expectant mothers. These small, hard deposits that form in the gallbladder can cause discomfort and pose potential risks for both the mother and the baby. Understanding the management of these risks is crucial to ensure the well-being of both. Gallstones …

“Surgeon’s Secrets: 10 Ways to Eliminate Gallstones”


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Getting rid of gallstones just got a lot easier. With daily published natural health research studies, we now have more knowledge about the gallbladder and how to naturally pass cholesterol gallstones. Unfortunately, hospitals and surgeons don’t want you to know about these secrets. Gallbladder surgery is a multi-billion dollar industry. …

Kidney Stones: A Hidden Health Hazard That Demands Attention


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Kidney Stones: A Hidden Health Hazard That Demands Attention When it comes to health, many people tend to focus on diseases and conditions that are well-known, often overlooking lesser-known health hazards. One such common but often ignored condition is kidney stones. These small, hard deposits of minerals and salts can …

Do Epsom salts help flush fatty liver?


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Fatty liver remedies aimed at reducing fat congestion in the liver do exist, but their results have been widely varied. Some, such as vitamin E and vitamin C supplements, have shown promise but require further testing. On the other hand, Epsom salts have a long history of use and have …

Gallstone Diets: Foods to Avoid and Foods to Embrace for Gallbladder Health


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Gallstones are a relatively common condition affecting millions of people worldwide. These small, hard deposits that form in the gallbladder can be a source of significant pain and discomfort. While medical intervention is often necessary to treat gallstones, adopting a gallstone-friendly diet can also play a crucial role in managing …

Gall bladder diet: Understanding its significance


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Your gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ located near the liver. It is one of the most important organs in the body, and its primary function is to store and concentrate bile. Bile is used by the body to aid in the digestion of fats. Gallstones are small pebble-like substances that …

Latest Breakthroughs in Kidney Stone Treatment: What’s on the Horizon?


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Kidney stones are a common ailment affecting millions of people worldwide. These small, hard deposits that form in the kidneys can cause excruciating pain and discomfort. Fortunately, medical research continues to make significant strides in finding new and improved treatments. In this article, we will explore some of the latest …

Fatty liver diet: foods to eat for reducing fatty liver.


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A diet plan for fatty liver should focus on moderation and balance. It should include highly nutritional foods from all food groups, but nothing should be eaten in excess. The main goal should be to reduce fat intake, as fatty liver disease results from excess fat accumulation in the liver. …