Category: Sexual Health

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  • Category: Sexual Health
The Health Demerits of Masturbation

The Health Demerits of Masturbation

Although many sites and articles claim that masturbation is a healthy behavior they condemn excessive masturbation. Being addictive, people who masturbate become slaves of the behavior and are fond of doing it excessively. It is almost similar to drug addiction. The health demerits of masturbation mostly occur over excessive masturbation. Remember, excessive masturbation come as

Penis Pain: Taking Care of Prostatitis

Penis Pain: Taking Care of Prostatitis

What is the top reason for a man under the age of 50 to visit a urologist? Penis pain caused by prostatitis, that’s what. And yet this very common male condition is not one that is widely known – and certainly not widely understood. Knowing about prostatitis is an important component of exercising proper penis

Penis Health Diet: Optimal Food Choices

Penis Health Diet: Optimal Food Choices

Guys into maintaining the fitness of their body understand the important role diet plays in staying healthy. The right food choices can make a huge difference in overall health; indeed, these same food choices can be instrumental in improving penis health as well. But what are some foods men should consider consuming if maintaining proper

Male Libido – The Best 4 Natural Supplements To Increase Male Libido

Male Libido – The Best 4 Natural Supplements To Increase Male Libido

Many natural supplements sold to boost male libido, simply don’t work and are sold without any medical substantiation whatsoever. The good news however is, that some do, you just need to pick the right ones and here we are going to give you the best one of all, which has been medically proven to increase