Category: Fatty Liver

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  • Category: Fatty Liver
Biliary Dyskinesia – To Cut or Not to Cut?

Biliary Dyskinesia – To Cut or Not to Cut?

Many people, including children, may experience attacks of pain at the right upper quadrant. This is the kind of abdominal pain that sometimes radiates to the upper back or shoulder blades. Usually it occurs after eating fatty or fried foods, heavy meals and is accompanied with nausea/vomiting and/or bloating, followed by loosening of stools. Typically,

Ketosis Simplified: The Definition of Ketosis and How It Happens

Ketosis Simplified: The Definition of Ketosis and How It Happens

The word ketosis often inspires confusion or even alarm in those trying to figure out what causes it and whether or not it’s a good thing. Here’s a simplified overview of ketosis. Ketosis Definition Let’s move from an over-simplified ketosis definition to moderately simple one. Ketosis means that the body has gone from using carbohydrates

What Are the Procedures for Metabolic Surgery?

What Are the Procedures for Metabolic Surgery?

A consequence of the growing sedentary lifestyle, poor nutritional habits and a lack of exercise which has come to characterize 21st- century man is increasing weight gain, overweight and obesity. This stems from a disproportion in the balance of our energy intake and expenditure with the excess calories being stored as body fat. This leads

The Coconut Oil Diet: How to Burn Belly Fat With Coconut Oil

The Coconut Oil Diet: How to Burn Belly Fat With Coconut Oil

When attempting to lose weight, oil is usually the last thing that one would want to increase the consumption of. However, coconut oil is a definite exception to this weight loss rule. Extracted from none other than the coconut seed, coconut oil has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for an array of