Category: Fatty Liver

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Body Building for Older People

Body Building for Older People

One rarely would think that as you age it is far more important to do some body building than when younger. Balance, muscles, and even the pads under one’s feet can disintegrate and disappear if nothing is done to enhance them. Often people find this out the hard way as few will discuss how to

Bodybuilding With L-Carnitine

Bodybuilding With L-Carnitine

Carnitine or L-carnitine is a substance produced naturally by the human body. It is a nonessential amino acid whose main purpose is to burn body fat for energy conversion. It is a vital component in the body’s metabolism. The muscles, including the heart, require fat for energy and rely on L-carnitine to take the body’s

Essential Oils – Goldenrod – The Name Means to Make Whole

Essential Oils – Goldenrod – The Name Means to Make Whole

Goldenrod (Solidago Canadensis) is in the daisy family of botanical plants. The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the flowering tops. Most people find this a hay-fever producing plant more a pest than a help but read on to find that it has some great healing properties. The same goldenrod that causes autumn

Liver Trouble Symptoms

Liver Trouble Symptoms

Signs of liver trouble usually don’t appear until a liver problem has caused some damage or even compromised liver function in some way. Generally speaking, you probably won’t know you have a liver problem until the liver trouble symptoms listed below begin to appear – that is, unless you have liver function tests done as