Tag: Whats

What’s the Best Diet for Healthy Sleep? A Nutritional Epidemiologist Explains What Food Choices Will Help You Get More Restful Z’s

What’s the Best Diet for Healthy Sleep? A Nutritional Epidemiologist Explains What Food Choices Will Help You Get More Restful Z’s

By Erica Jansen, University of Michigan You probably already know that how you eat before bed affects your sleep. Maybe you’ve found yourself still lying awake at 2 a.m. after enjoying a cup of coffee with dessert. But did you know that your eating choices throughout the day may also affect your sleep at night?

Latest Breakthroughs in Kidney Stone Treatment: What’s on the Horizon?

Latest Breakthroughs in Kidney Stone Treatment: What’s on the Horizon?

Kidney stones are a common ailment affecting millions of people worldwide. These small, hard deposits that form in the kidneys can cause excruciating pain and discomfort. Fortunately, medical research continues to make significant strides in finding new and improved treatments. In this article, we will explore some of the latest breakthroughs in kidney stone treatment