Dog & Gallbladder

Dog & Gallbladder

How often do you think about your dog’s gallbladder? If you’re like me, you probably never even considered that dogs have gallbladders, let alone the possibility of them having gallbladder problems.

However, dogs do have gallbladders and, although problems are not common, they can occur just like in humans.

I thought it would be interesting to provide dog lovers with a brief history lesson on the similarities between a dog’s innards and our own. Many of us think of dogs as creatures with a mouth that everything goes into, a seemingly iron stomach, and a rear end where most things come out. But it’s not that simple! A dog’s innards are a complex system that performs many functions, just like ours. Digestive disorders are probably the most common health problems in dogs, likely due to the objects they manage to ingest. While gallbladder problems are not common, they are worth learning about because you never know when one might occur.

In fact, most of a dog’s digestive disorders are caused directly or indirectly by the liver, pancreas, or organs in the digestive tract, which play a crucial role in processing the food dogs eat. However, there are times when serious health problems can arise in a dog’s gallbladder.

Let’s start by understanding what the gallbladder actually is. A dog’s gallbladder is a small, tough-skinned sac-like structure located in the abdominal cavity. It is attached to the liver and pancreas. The size of the gallbladder varies depending on the size of the dog, but it is generally pear-shaped and elongated, with the ability to expand if necessary.

So, what does the gallbladder do? Think of it as a garage – it serves as a storage area for bile, an acid and alkaline fluid containing water, electrolytes, various acids, and a yellowish pigment called bilirubin. This fluid is produced by the liver and released into the small intestine to aid in the digestion and absorption of fats. Dogs continuously produce bile throughout the day, and a healthy gallbladder releases bile as needed.

The liver itself is divided into several sections called lobes, and each lobe has its own bile duct. These ducts flow into a common bile duct, which ultimately leads to the duodenum, the first segment of the small intestine. When the common bile duct contains excess bile, it drains into the gallbladder for storage until it is needed for fat digestion.

Now, let’s explore the types of gallbladder problems that can occur. While they are not very common, they do happen. The two main types are obstructive and non-obstructive problems. The most common obstructive problem is caused by a swollen pancreas, which can be a result of a pancreatic tumor or scar tissue. This compression of the common bile duct prevents the bile from flowing, causing the gallbladder to become distended. In some cases, the bile may even back up into the dog’s bloodstream.

Another obstructive problem is the formation of gallstones. Yes, dogs can get gallstones just like humans. However, these stones are not hard like human gallstones but rather consist of a clay-like sludge. Gallstones can block the bile duct, leading to an expanded gallbladder. If left untreated, the gallbladder may eventually burst.

There is also a third type of obstructive problem caused by a buildup of thick bile and mucus, known as a biliary mucocele. If left untreated, this can result in a non-obstructive gallbladder disease. As abnormal bile provides an ideal environment for bacterial infection, inflammation, swelling, and eventually rupture of the gallbladder may occur.

So, what are the symptoms of a gallbladder problem? Unfortunately, most of the symptoms are common to many other health issues, such as vomiting, poor appetite, lethargy, pale-colored stools, weakness, and a poor coat condition. However, jaundice, which causes a yellowish tinge in the eyes and gums, is a significant indicator of a gallbladder problem.

Now, let’s discuss the treatment options. Non-obstructive problems typically respond well to antibiotics, and there are medications available to stimulate bile secretion and movement into the intestinal tract.

Surgery is necessary if a biliary mucocele is present or if a mass does not respond to medical treatment. Gallstones can also be surgically removed if needed. It’s important to note that removing the gallbladder will not harm the dog’s life. Dogs can live perfectly fine without a gallbladder, just like humans.

This journey into the inner workings of dogs aims to provide insight into how similar they are to us. Despite having different body shapes, dogs operate under the same magical order that the Universe has created.

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