Category: Sexual Health

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  • Category: Sexual Health
Why Semen Color, Smell and Even Taste Varies Widely

Why Semen Color, Smell and Even Taste Varies Widely

Semen quantity and quality varies not just between different men, but with the same man over the course of the month, the year, and over his whole life. Variances in color, viscosity and smell from month to month are normal, depending on stress levels, vitamin and mineral intake, hydration levels and hormone fluctuation. However, some

Sex Fetishes: Wrestling for Sensual Pleasure

Sex Fetishes: Wrestling for Sensual Pleasure

The range of sex fetishes is extensive and includes something for just about every taste. One of the more popular sex fetishes involves wrestling, either as a spectator or a participant sport. Men who enjoy this particular fetish may need to take appropriate penis care steps when engaging in it, but it can provide a

Sex Tips for Camping Trips and Penis Health

Sex Tips for Camping Trips and Penis Health

Summertime is the season when millions of people decide to “rough it” in the wilds of Nature – or at least a good state or national park. Many couples find that the fresh air adds a new level to their friskiness – which is good both for a guy’s penis health (use it or lose

How to Cure Erectile Dysfunction Naturally and Permanently

How to Cure Erectile Dysfunction Naturally and Permanently

Erectile dysfunction is a growing trend. Millions of young men from around the globe are facing this problem. The lifestyle that men are living can have an effect on sexual health. This condition is also known as ED or impotence. It is defined by having difficulty achieving or maintaining satisfactory erections for sexual activity. Having