Category: Sexual Health

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  • Category: Sexual Health
Shilajit Side Effects – Natural Herbal Treatment For Premature Ejaculation

Shilajit Side Effects – Natural Herbal Treatment For Premature Ejaculation

Shilajit Side Effects – How To Treat Premature Ejaculation Naturally If you’re wondering what the Shilajit side effects might be, then you’ve probably heard that this naturally occurring substance is ayurvedic and can be highly beneficial for human health. Moreover, you might also have heard that Shilajit helps male sexual health by improving the central

Horny Goat Weed As An Alternative To Viagra

Horny Goat Weed As An Alternative To Viagra

Horny Goat Weed is an all-natural herbal supplement that improves sexual performance and increases libido for both men and women. Horny Goat Weed has been used successfully for thousands of years and has no known side effects. What Makes Horny Goat Weed Better Than Viagra? The Viagra pill is really good at dilating blood vessels

Penis Injury During Sex? How to Avoid Penis Problems

Penis Injury During Sex? How to Avoid Penis Problems

When a man engages in sexual play with himself or a partner, it’s safe to say he’s set on having a good time. But what happens when that good time turns bad? Unfortunately, penis injury is quite common during extended or overzealous play. On the bright side, most of these injuries have clear ways to

The Sexual Body Feelings and Erogenous Zones of Men

The Sexual Body Feelings and Erogenous Zones of Men

There is a widespread misunderstanding by many women, and surprisingly also by many men that boys and men only have sexual feelings in their penis, or even only in their penis head. The reason why many men also carry this misconception is probably that boys often are educated to suppress corporeal sensations and to be