“Hey Martha, you want to read this crap.” a man sits in his Longhide upholstered Lazyboy floated by the latest negative ion floating device sitting in front of a very […]
Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss – How Can Honey and Cinnamon Help Weight Loss?
What are the honey and cinnamon weight loss secrets? How can they help you lose weight? The answers will interest you if you are looking for ways to lose fat […]
Bloody Well Might Try It – Homeopathy and Bleeds
Bleeding to the point of hemorrhaging can be an alarming event. Homeopathy, however, has a history of aborting a bleed with unusual speed and without side effects. It does so […]
DE-FUNKING YOUR LIFE – How Can I Feel Happy, Energetic and Inspired by Life Again?
Hey, we all wake up some days “dealin with the Funk”… whether it’s self imposed funk or accidental funk, we get the funk, and that funk feels… feels….. sorta… funky… […]