Category: Kidney Stone

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  • Category: Kidney Stone
Shock Wave Relief Through Sonorex Treatment

Shock Wave Relief Through Sonorex Treatment

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is a groundbreaking non-invasive method of treating localized musculoskeletal pains such as tendonitis and heel spurs. Sonorex shockwave treatment is an extremely safe method of combating pain and is believed to be used before drugs or steroid injections are recommended to the patient. History of Sonorex Early 1990’s saw German

Herbal Detoxification With Cornsilk

Herbal Detoxification With Cornsilk

What is Cornsilk? You might have heard of the name corn silk and wondering what it is. Actually there is nothing complicated with corn silk as it is actually the grain you see inside the corn which you enjoy having in the form of snacks. This is actually a part of Indian food and you

Penis Pain and Masturbation: Tips for Relief

Penis Pain and Masturbation: Tips for Relief

For most men, masturbation is a regular part of their sex lives. Although rates of masturbation vary greatly from one man to the next, it’s the rare man who does not at least occasionally indulge in self-gratification. While masturbation is an inherently pleasurable experience, there are occasions when the practice may lead to some degree

Complete Healthcare With Acupuncture

Complete Healthcare With Acupuncture

Acupuncture Changed lifestyle, eating habits, and stress leads to Diabetes, Thyroid, kidney and liver diseases, and almost every family now a days is suffering from any of these diseases. Ancient medicinal techniques like Ayurveda and acupuncture can help us treat these disorders in a reasonably less time and with much easier than conventional medicinal practices.