Category: Gall Stone

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  • Category: Gall Stone
Advanced Pranic Healing – Used to Treat Cancers

Advanced Pranic Healing – Used to Treat Cancers

Pranic healing is a non-touch mode of energy healing developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. He formulated the theory and practice of using light energy to affect positive changes in the etheric or energy body. The details of how Pranic Healing can achieve a reduction in tumours can be beneficial to those wishing to

Debilitation of Lord of Ascendant

Debilitation of Lord of Ascendant

The Ascendant is the first house of the horoscope and the rest of the houses are reckoned from it. It indicates the general appearance, character and temperament of the native. The lord/house of ascendant indicates the native’s vitality, vigour and disposition, his natural tendencies and personality are judged from this house. The planets are in

Why Is Junk Food Bad For You?

Why Is Junk Food Bad For You?

As someone very much involved with the astonishing power of foods to alleviate and even cure some medical conditions, I’m often asked: “Why is junk food bad for you?”. This situation has crept up on us over the last thirty to forty years, by the arrival of so called “junk food” — a phrase first

Ayurveda Home Remedies For IBS

Ayurveda Home Remedies For IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a blanket term for a variety of diseases, causing discomfort in the gastro-intestinal tract. It’s a disorder in which the intestines don’t function properly, also commonly referred to as “functional bowel” or “spastic colon.” It is characterized by chronic abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating, and alteration of bowel habits in the