Category: Gall Stone

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  • Category: Gall Stone
Medicinal Properties of Lemons

Medicinal Properties of Lemons

Lemon Juice has the highest concentration of vitamin C of the citrus family. It is a fruit that can go with a large variety of foods, and can enhance, preserve, and balance a good meal. Lemon Juice is highly recognized for its medicinal values. Lemon is high is acid just like the grape fruit and

Olive Gold and Its Amazing Health Benefits

Olive Gold and Its Amazing Health Benefits

Olive gold happens to be an essential olive oil using super oxygen as the vital component in its chemical structure. It’s got monounsaturated fat and vitamin antioxidants such as chlorophyll and carotenoids generously. Vitamins A, B-1, B-2, C, D, E, K as well as iron also are contained in it. It can be extracted from

Silica In the Treatment of Health Complications Due to High Uric Acid Level

Silica In the Treatment of Health Complications Due to High Uric Acid Level

Metabolism of uric acid is not possible by our body. This is because our body does not have the enzyme called uricase without which uric acid can not be metabolized. Therefore the excretion of uric acid is done by the kidneys and the intestines. Out of which 70% is excreted by the kidneys and 30%

Food and Digestion – The Reason You Should NEVER Drink Cold Drinks

Food and Digestion – The Reason You Should NEVER Drink Cold Drinks

Do you drink ice water… or have drinks straight out of the fridge? There’s a saying in Chinese medicine that goes: “Above all else, protect your digestion.” By “digestion”, they mean processing of both FOOD and FLUID. Think about this… If you aren’t processing foods properly, you aren’t turning food into BLOOD and ENERGY (“Qi,”