Category: Gall Stone

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  • Category: Gall Stone
Going on a Gallstones Diet

Going on a Gallstones Diet

The food you eat plays an important part in your health and well-being. When harmful food and drinks are consumed excessively, this often results in illness or diseases which can be fatal or deadly. In the past decades, more and more people have developed gallstones because of poor diet and bad habits. The cure for

Lower Cholesterol Naturally – Alternatives to Statin Drugs

Lower Cholesterol Naturally – Alternatives to Statin Drugs

Huge topic. I can write a book on this but best not yet! Two more years of med school yet and by then I’ll be even more versed in how to lower cholesterol naturally. First: What is cholesterol? According to Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, cholesterol is “the most abundant steroid in animal tissues, especially in bile

Method of Immersion Baths – Cold, Hot and Neutral Immersion Bath

Method of Immersion Baths – Cold, Hot and Neutral Immersion Bath

Immersion bath makes the body healthy and is done in bath tub which is connected with hot and cold water connections. This bath is taken hot, cold, neutral and graduated at different temperature. It is also called full bath. Below you will learn the methods of cold, hot and neutral immersion bath. Cold Immersion Bath

Yuca (Cassava) Root Can Help Arthritis

Yuca (Cassava) Root Can Help Arthritis

I love 99.99% of fruits and vegetables, but this one is in the 00.01% for me. However, I do know a lot of people who really enjoy this vegetable, each to their own. It is a good source of B3 (helps to lower cholesterol), plus iron and calcium. Yuca is a root vegetable with a