Category: Fatty Liver

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  • Category: Fatty Liver
Make Your Pancreas Healthy

Make Your Pancreas Healthy

As bad as it may sound, the majority of people know almost nothing about pancreas or pancreatic enzymes. Gastrointestinal organs such as stomach, liver, gallbladder and the colon are given a lot of attention, but somehow people have forgotten about the pancreas. Recent death of Steve Jobs from the pancreatic cancer made a scary reminder

Why is Refined Sugar – Known As White Sugar – Bad for You?

Why is Refined Sugar – Known As White Sugar – Bad for You?

Americans consume between two to three pounds of sugar every week. The sugar is being processed in so many foods we eat. These foods are not just sweets. Sugar in large quantities can be found in peanut butter, mayonnaise, bread, ketchup and many other categorically “non-sweets” products. Now let’s get to the question: Why is

How to Make Your Penis Bigger Naturally With Omega 3 Fatty Acid

How to Make Your Penis Bigger Naturally With Omega 3 Fatty Acid

Omega 3 fatty acids provide a number of different health benefits, and one in particular that is excellent for virtually any man. If you are looking for a way to enlarge your penis, you have likely tried a number of different solutions with limited success. Omega 3 fatty acid provides an easy, safe, and effective

Fasting Your Way To Gut Health

Fasting Your Way To Gut Health

This article addresses something that’s crucial to good health but many people still seem to be unaware of. That is daily fasting. Fasting is simply going without food for a period time. It’s not a complex thing, but if you want to look into it seriously (and by that I mean fasting over an extended