Category: Health

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Detoxify your Thighs

Detoxify your Thighs

Over Christmas holiday in Colorado, my family and I decided to go to the local hot springs. It was just what we needed to warm up our bones from the chill of being outside all day cross country skiing. There were people of all shapes and sizes. What I happened to notice on almost every

Fastest Cure for Tonsil Stones

Fastest Cure for Tonsil Stones

Tonsil stones, or tonsilloliths, are caused by impaction of food particles that get mixed with mucous and acted upon by bacteria to produce a sticky substance around tonsils. Once it mixed with calcium and dead epithelial cells (dead as a result of natural wear and tear process), tonsil stones are produced. Prevention and cure for

Bedwetting Cured With Homeopathy

Bedwetting Cured With Homeopathy

There are many areas of homeopathy in which a list of the top five remedies can be expounded upon to aid the newcomer to this incredible medicine. Bee stings, for instance, are usually met squarely and then cured for future incidences with Ledum. Aconitum and Arnica are well reputed to address trauma to soft tissue

Health Tips For Old Age – Get A Long And Healthy Life

Health Tips For Old Age – Get A Long And Healthy Life

Everyone wants to be healthy and vigorous throughout their life. But more so being healthy in old age is just like a boon. Since, old age brings with itself many health problems and if you are not taking complete care of yourself then these diseases becomes hard to cure and manage in old age. Here